


适当的时机 The Right Time

One day, when I went home after chool, I found there wa no one at home, o I felt bored. I uddenly thought about the toy I wanted to buy lat time, but my mother topped me, he aid I had bought o many toy, I till wanted to buy. I aw my mother put her money in the dek, a I wanted the toy o much, o I took the money and then went to the hop. When my mother came home, he did not realize, but I felt o guilty, I decided to tell her the truth. I finally told my mother, he miled and told me he waited for me to confe, if I mi the right time to confe, he would be angry, becaue it would improve me to be a bad child. I wa o happy that I confe my mitake at the right time and c


orrect it.


灰姑娘的故事 The Story of Cinderella

For mot girl, I believe they mut have read the tory about Cinderella. The tory tell about a beautiful and kind girl named Cinderella, her mother die when he i very mall, o hi father marrie another lady who ha two daughter. When the father die, Cinderella i bulled by hi tep-mother and tep-iter, but he keep nice to them. One day, Cinderella meet a prince and when he join the party, he ha to run away before midnight. The prince finally find her by hi miing gla hoe. Finally, Cinderella live a happy life and her tep-mother and tep-iter are punihed. The tory tell people that if we are kind to other, we will have the good return.


重要的考试 The Important Tet

I will finih my middle chool life oon, before I graduate, I need to take part in a very important tet and it will decide which high chool I will be in. I am o nervou now, I want to do my bet and go to the ideal high chool. My mother told me yeterday that no matter how the reult wa, he would be happy for me. She did not want me to have too much preure and he believed me I could do well. Thinking about my mother’ word, I am not nervou now, what’ more, all of my familie upport me o much. The reult i not that important, happine come firt.


第一次野营 Going Camping For the Firt Time

I alway want to go camping, becaue I think it i cool. But my parent think that I am too mall to do it, o they refue me. One day, I told my parent that my friend and I planned to go camping, the place wa very cloe to my friend’ home. So my parent allowed me. I wa o happy, we put up the tent and took out the food we prepared. When it wa dark, we et the fire and we ong and dance, we played the game happily. Before we lept, I laid on the tent and talked ecret with my friend. Thi i the firt time for me to go camp and I enjoy it o much.


雨后的彩虹 The Rainbow After the Rain

When I lived in my hometown, I liked raining o much, becaue ometime I could ee the rainbow, it i o beautiful and attractive. I remembered the firt time when I aw the rainbow. It wa a tuffy afternoon, when I took a nap, I heard it rained, but there wa unhine in the ky. After an hour, the rain topped. I walked out of my houe and took a look at the ky, I aw a long colorful bridge in the ky. It appeared clearly, o cloe to me, it eemed that I could walk it to the ky. Now I live in the city, but I never ee uch beautiful rainbow again. The city’ building cover the ky.
