








Dear Editor',

I'm a enior high chool tudent named Li Hua. Now many tudent have iPad and think it' a fahion to ue them.


Dear Editor',

I'm a enior high chool tudent named Li Hua. Now many tudent have iPad and think it' a fahion to ue them. Uing an iPad, we can liten to muic, download a lot of learning material and read them on the creen. Apparently, it' helpful to our tudy, epecially to our Englih litening.

Some tudent, however, bring their iPad to the claroom and liten to muic without earphone, which make the teacher and other tudent greatly annoyed. Some of them even wate preciou time in cla playing video game.

In my opinion, a tudent, we hould make good ue of iPad to help achieve academic ucce. The claroom i a place for tudent to tudy, and therefore concentration i awfully needed for u to learn our leon. Furthermore, the chool hould make a rule to guide the tudent to ue iPad in a proper way.

Your incerely,

Li Hua