









The Internet eem to have become an indipenable part in modern lire. Thi i becaue the Internet ha a lor of advantage. To begin with, the Internet provide people with enormou amount of information in a fraction of a econd. With thi eay acce to the Internet, earching for information ha become eaier than ever before. Beide, the Internet change the way people communicate with each other. E mail allow u to write to our friend and receive letter from our friend cheaply and intantly. Furthermore, the Internet ha revolutionized buine. E-commerce enable people to do buine and go hopping at home eaily and conveniently. Finally, the Internet play an important role in ma education.

However, the Internet alo ha ome unfavorable apect. Cyber crime caue a great lo in people property. Computer virue bring u lot of trouble. Trah mail i alway a nuiance to everyone. Wort of all, pornography may corrupt people, epecially young people.

In a word, the Internet ha both merit and demerit. But on the whole, it bring peop[e more benefit than harm. It i uggeted that a clever ue be made of thi modern technique for the benefit of all people.