
​小学作文Small kinds

小学作文Small kinds

Small kind

Human being are advanced animal in the world. Some animal are very kind. For example , if you are kind to a dog , it will hake. It will tail to you. So if you are kind to other, they will alo be kind to you.

You have lot of chance to give your mall kindne if you ee a diabled peron working in the treet. You can help him to cro the treet. If you meet a tranger, you can how him the way. If he or he ak you quetion, you hould be kind to anwer them. That i you give mall kindne to other. Maybe it eem to you a piece of cake, but it i very important t


o people in need. If you do thi, the other will do it to you.

Be kind to other, and they will be kind to you.



