

互联网中学生英语作文 thee day, more and more people are intereted in the Internet. Uing the Internet, tudent are able to get the latet information from literature to port. Student can alo join the group on line, dicu uch thing a m...

2023-09-02 11:10:49 55


阐述你对中学生上网的看法作文 i think it i not all bad for millde chool tudent to earch the internet.ome tudent play game on line.i don't agree it at all.it ha nothing to do with their tudy.and it will make them loe the inter...

2023-09-02 11:08:03 92


房间的布局中学生英语作文 I live in a flat.When you go in you come into the hall.The toilet i on the left and the bathroom i on the right. There are two door in front of you.The door on the left lead to a bedroom.The door on the...

2023-09-02 11:05:17 166


初中英语作文中学生上网 初中英语作文中学生上网 I think it i not all bad for millde chool tudent to earch the Internet.Some tudent play game on line.I don't aGREe it at all.It ha nothing to do with their tudy.And it wi...

2023-09-02 11:02:31 174
​中学生英语作文:Reading books

​中学生英语作文:Reading books

中学生英语作文:Reading books A famou aying goe like thi: knowledge i power. And the knowledge i in the book. I think reading book i very intereting! There i a children ong here. Take a look, it i very beautiful! Star light Star bri...

2023-09-02 10:59:45 104


中学生睡眠情况调查英语作文 Recentl, I did a urve abut enir tudent’ leeping cnditin. Here are the reult f the urve. A great nuber f tudent leep le than 7 hur a da and e even abut 6 hur r le, which i far fr the need f leep. It...

2023-09-02 10:56:59 188


有关五月的中学英语作文 my clamate threw a celebration party at our middle chool principle flat.our parent were invited to the party.everybody wa excited about the holiday.i ate a lot of deliciou food at that time.i alo went viiti...

2023-09-02 10:54:13 81
​中学英语作文范例:How to make friends

​中学英语作文范例:How to make friends

中学英语作文范例:How to make friends 中考英语作文范文:How to make friend It hard to make friend if you tay alone all the time. It eaier to make friend when you have imilar interet. Donr be afraid to how people what you a...

2023-09-02 10:51:27 166


中学生适当的放松方式英语作文 哪一种放松方式是适当的? 为什么? 注意: 1.短文包括对调查相关信息的介绍和你自己的观点; 2.词数:80-100。题目和开头已为你写好,不记入总词数。 The P...

2023-09-02 10:48:41 155


在一群中学生之间英文作文 Being a product of high-technology,mobile phone are being more and more widely ued. It‘ mall in ize, light in weight and eay to carry, offering fat and convenient ervice for communication.It‘ of mult...

2023-09-02 10:45:55 99


中学生世界无烟日英语作文 Dear Chairman, Thi letter may ound trange a a requet, but I feel compelled to do o rather than call you. It i a complaint about thoe moking colleague who moke in our meeting. I am not making a huge fu ab...

2023-09-02 10:43:09 164


生活_中学生诗歌体裁作文 如果生命是水,那尊严就是流动。 如果生命是火,那尊严就是燃烧。 如果生命是鹰,那尊严就是飞翔。 让自己的生命为别人开一朵花:一句关切的问候是一...

2023-09-02 10:40:23 158


回家真好中学英语作文 Lat week, my friend aked me to go to viit hi hometown with him. I felt o excited and wanted to have a look at the cenery. My parent allowed and I planned to play for a week. I felt o free to leave home and cou...

2023-09-02 10:37:37 103


遐想中学初中生作文 清晨, 我呆呆的卧在窗上。 远远的望着远方,不禁心里产生了一股升华感。 美, 在那儿? 是在勤劳的人儿身上,还是在善良的人身上。 是在想春天是那么的美好...

2023-09-02 10:34:51 186


怎样学好英语中学英语作文 How to Learn Englih Well Englih i one of the mot important ubject in middle chool. Almot everyone know that we hould learn Englih well, but few of u know how to learn it well. Karl Marx ha et a good exam...

2023-09-02 10:32:05 70
​中学优秀英语作文:Young Volunteers

​中学优秀英语作文:Young Volunteers

中学优秀英语作文:Young Volunteers Lu Hao i a middle chool tudent in Guizhou, who joined the “1 help 1” program of the Youth Volunteer Community Development Project lat year. Every Tueday and Friday he viit an old man who live...

2023-09-02 10:29:20 162


旧中学生的一天作文 “叮铃铃”闹钟再次响起,我只是条件反射性的轻轻一按,闹钟也继续睡下,一切都是那么美好。可就在这时,一只“魔爪”捏了捏我的鼻子,我不得不张开眼睛看...

2023-09-02 10:26:34 118


十年中学生作文 3岁的时候,我还是个孩子。 13岁的时候,我还是个孩子,只是开始知道,自己老了。 3岁的时候,我习惯被别人牵手,却从不知道有一天会放开。 13岁的时候,我习惯牵...

2023-09-02 10:23:48 199


中学生英文作文_倒霉的一天 When I got up thi morning,I had a trange feeling that it jut want going to be my day. 今天早上起床时,我就有一种奇怪的感觉,那就是今天会诸事不顺。 Firt,becaue I got up...

2023-09-02 10:21:02 104